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Dylan McKerchie — Product Review

Dylan Talks Tone Reviews 5 Guitar String Subscription Services

Product Review Strings

Dylan Talks Tone Reviews 5 Guitar String Subscription Services

Strings in the 21st Century There are subscription services for everything these days. Shaving supplies, contact lenses, clothing, food... even tampons! It only makes sense that a lot of people are ordering guitar strings on-line. I change strings quite a bit so having them just show up at the door is pretty nice. Lets face it. most of the time when you DON'T change them, it's because you don't have any. String subscriptions by mail fix that problem from the comfort of your home.  Lots of Options A bunch of companies have sprung up with the subscription idea. We tried...

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Xvive Guitar Wireless Review - Simple Wireless on a Budget

Product Review

Xvive Guitar Wireless Review - Simple Wireless on a Budget

For many years a really good wireless system for your guitar was quite expensive. Systems Like the Shure PGX are a bit of a financial commitment. For those of us working in the trenches every weekend, a cheaper alternative was needed.  The XVvive - An Affordable Wireless The Xvive U2 Wireless  changes the whole approach to a wireless system. There is no belt packs or adapters. It is just a small fob that plugs directly in the guitar on the transmitter side, and an identical receiver fob that plugs in to the amp. At right around $150.00 USD, it is extremely economical....

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Dylan Reviews The New Keeley Compressor Plus

Pedals Product Review

Dylan Reviews The New Keeley Compressor Plus

It is well known that Robert Keeley of Keeley Electronics is a wizard when it comes to the compressor. His two knob and four knob compressors have become the "go to" compressor for beginning and professional guitarists.  How could it even be possible to make improvements to such iconic pieces of gear? We show you three new features that we think make this compressor "The Next Big Thing" The Blend Knob Adding a blend knob to a compressor has been a trend over the last couple years. Usually this is used to blend dry signal from the amp and compressed...

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