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Dylan McKerchie — custom

Scatter wound Vs Machine Wound Pickups

custom electric guitar Electric Guitar Pickups howto humbucker humbuckers pickups scatter single coil stratocaster telecaster wiring wound

What does Scatter wound actually mean? The term "scatter wound" is one of those buzzwords we hear all the time. I have clients ask me regularly "How Scatter wound are your pickups?" So what does this even mean? As we saw from our blog post on handwound pickups, the tension, traverse, and speed (at least at our shop) are all controlled by hand. This differs from a machine wound pickup where all of these variables are automatic. For this discussion we are mostly concerned with traverse. This refers to how many winds per layer are put on the coil and...

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What are Hand Wound Pickups ?

custom electric Electric Guitar Pickups guitar hand howto pickups wound

Thousands of winds... To understand what a hand wound pickup means here at , lets first talk about how guitar pickups are made in general. The main part of the pickup consists of a coil of very fine wire wrapped thousands of times around a core. Sometimes the core is a set of magnets, sometimes it is plastic or another material that is connected to a magnet. There are a few different ways to wind the wire around the core. On one extreme, a winder could literally sit and wind wire around the core by hand. He/she would have to...

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