Keeping Tone Simple... an Interview With JD Simo
With all the pedals and gadgets in the world, and forums and pages on social media giving us tone options every day, Sometimes we forget that simplicity can be cool too.

A few months ago I was chatting with JD Simo, an amazing guitarist based out of Nashville, about how simple his rig was. Seeing his live show made me realize just how simple a guitar rig can be, and how inspiring it is to get back to the basics.... A Guitar, a Wah Pedal, and an Amp....
I asked him if the next time we ran in to each other, if we could sit down and chat about how he gets all those sounds out of a simple rig. Of course he said yes...

If you follow JD Simo, you know that he is the ultimate guitar geek. He plays some seriously cool gear, But as you will find out when you watch the interview, he just likes to keep it simple and play.
Usually in these posts, we get more technical, but today.... just have a listen. I hope it inspires you to take a fresh look at your rig and maybe discover something new in the stripped down version of tone.
What he talks about may seem so simple that many may dismiss it. Others may say "well of course he can do that, he plays great gear" but JD in a very soft spoken kind voice would say, "I am just trying to play the way my heroes would play it.... This is all they had"
This was shot with no tripod or Mic during a soundcheck at Sky City in Augusta GA, So it's a bit off the cuff, but very cool. Special thanks to Sky City and to my man B Rob for helping me do it.