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Fat G-Strings, Poles, Hooking up... Pickups... Readers Questions


 Readers Questions...

When you have questions, we answer them.

Humbucker Hookup....

We covered the basics of humbucker construction and how humbuckers work HERE and we covered the basics of coil Splitting HERE. We also covered phase HERE. We had a few people write in and ask more about a couple different connection possibilities... 1, Parallel- You can basically treat the two coils as separate single coils and use them at the same time. This will give you a very similar tone to a single coil,but it will be hum cancelling 2. Out of Phase- you CAN hook a humbucker up to itself out of phase, but I don't know why you would want to. It will be extremely thin. You may instead want to wire the pickup to a push pull that flips the phase on the entire pickup.

More on pickup Height....

We talked about pickup height HERE.  Do you need to adjust the screws on a humbucker? The reason staggered poles were even needed back in the old days, was the fret board radius were commonly 7.5 inches or so. This made the center strings, mostly the D and G farther from the pickup. To counter act this, the poles were taller. The other reason was, because of the added mass of the G string being wound, it was needed to even out the tone. Whether that is true or not, it is not really relevant today with strings being what they are. More modern fret board radius' of 9.5, 10, 12, and 16" make the pole heights easier to tune with normal pickup height adjustment.  Even so... If you want to adjust your pole heights remember.... The slugs don't raise... The more you raise the poles, the edgier the pickup will get. Also, remember that if the pickup has a cover the poles are already higher than the slugs adding to this imbalance. I don't personally raise my poles because I like the tone of the slug side.   Thank you so much for supporting our blog. Please share and comment and ask questions. This a lot of fun. Make sure you watch the videos and subscribe!

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